Mit Lesen dieses Artikels widerspreche ich der europäischen Datenschutzverordnung (DSGVO) und akzeptiere ausdrücklich die in diesem Artikel eventuell befindlichen personenbezogenen Inhalte und Daten !
Yes, you can turn them off, and there is nothing your perps can do about it. It will cost you about 100 Dollars, if you are a technical dummy, please ask a technician from Radio Shag to put the two pieces for you together:
2.) How to easily find surveillance equipment
3.) How Surveillance technology really works
<![endif]-->A lot has been written about Haarp, interestingly enough it`s impossible to find a correct explanation on the internet that explains how this technology really works.
Two devices (in our example device #1 and device #2) send out beams of scalar waves, in the area where these beams overlap an "energy zone" is created, where energy is available for functions and tasks. Just by moving the direction of the two beams, the energy zone can be moved to any desired geographical position. (Practically this is done by pointing the antennas of the devices in another direction or by interpolation of the antennas)
The most important thing to know about scalar wave technology is the fact, that the beams of the devices have an bi-directional energy flow, so on one hand from the devices to the energy zone, on the other hand from the energy zone back to the devices, which makes it possible to analyze and control the functions in the energy zone with a computer.
interesting fact: Each single beam of scalar waves transmitted
from device #1 or device #2 is completely harmless, similar to overhead power
cables, which are often used by birds to take a rest without getting harmed by
the high electricity that runs through the cable. Only where the single beams from
device #1 or device #2 overlap, an energy zone can be created, which makes this
technology very "secure" against incorrect operation.
Each single beam of scalar waves,
which is transmitted from device #1 or device #2, gets exactly the strength it needs to pass through all obstacles in its
way (like walls, buildings or any other existing object) plus the energy
that is required to execute the desired function within the energy zone.
energy zone itself can be used for various functions:
A.You can observe acoustically or generate tones like with a loudspeaker
B. You can observe visually (normally in very limited resolution)
C. You can use the energy zone as a very exact measuring instrument or gauge
D. You can radiate energy from the energy zone in any direction (and also shoot energy impulses like in a gun)
E. You can create an energy field of any possible shape and size, also known as plasma. This plasma can morph from any shape to another.
B. You can observe visually (normally in very limited resolution)
C. You can use the energy zone as a very exact measuring instrument or gauge
D. You can radiate energy from the energy zone in any direction (and also shoot energy impulses like in a gun)
E. You can create an energy field of any possible shape and size, also known as plasma. This plasma can morph from any shape to another.
So let´s take a quick look at a Haarp generated plasma, that constantly changes its shape:
Every modern Haarp or surveillance
equipment can control several different
energy zones at the same time, saying they are capable of multitasking
operations, which are only limited from the capacity of the used equipment. Big
Haarp arrays like Haarp Alaska can generate and control hundreds of energy
zones at the same time. Now let us take a quick look at an example of multiple
plasmas, generated and controlled by only one Haarp array.
Example A: The realistic explanation of a Haarp generated earthquake
Two beams of scalar waves meet at 10 kilometers depth and build an energy zone. The energy zone starts pulsing with a frequency of 4-5 hertz until the surrounding rocks start to resonate. An additional effect can be reached by heating up the existing water in this depth, which will expand and cause cracks in the rocks.
Example B: The wrong opinion about Haarp generated artificial
clouds: Microwave rays create clouds after being bounced various times from the
If this would be true, the people that live in this city
shown on the picture would suffer from enormous headaches, because the
radiation would also reach their bodies and cause ugly damages. It can´t work
that way....
A2: The realistic explanation looks like this:
Two beams of scalar waves meet at
the desired altitude and build an energy zone. Inside the energy zone computer
controlled programs are executed to build the desired clouds. By moving the
energy zone through the sky more and more clouds are painted into the sky.
Because all the energy of the scalar
beams is consumed by the energy zone, there is no danger that the people in the
city of the photo get harmed by the radiation.
Sometimes you can see this in the sky:This is a photo from 2013 showing how an energy zone moves through the sky, building clouds. I seems the operator was in a hurry he used too much power for this process, which caused that the energy zone built a visible plasma in the sky :)
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3.) Surveillance
technology explained in details :
When it comes to the surveillance of
persons, portable devices are used instead of using big antenna arrays. These
portable devices are normally installed in the apartments of the targeted
individuals or their direct neighbours next door. The devices nowadays can have
nearly any possible form and often camouflage perfectly in any kind of commonly
used object. A power supply of the devices through a power cable is not necessarily required, because their
batteries can be recharged with an energy zone, never forget that this
technology was invented by Tesla to provide a wireless energy supply to every place
on earth.
Like their big brother Haarp, these pieces of equipment work in general with two beams of scalar waves, that are radiated by the devices and uplinked to a computer system to control them. These two beams of scalar waves build an energy zone, which follows the targeted individual day and night within a distance of 2-10 feet and the best possible angle to guarantee the best surveillance possible.
Like their big brother Haarp, these pieces of equipment work in general with two beams of scalar waves, that are radiated by the devices and uplinked to a computer system to control them. These two beams of scalar waves build an energy zone, which follows the targeted individual day and night within a distance of 2-10 feet and the best possible angle to guarantee the best surveillance possible.
To makes this clear: The energy zone is the place, where the optical (and often acoustical) surveillance is happening, the scalar wave devices only deliver the electricity to build the energy zone. This technology offers the big advantage, that your surveillance takes place where you really are, and NOT where the devices are installed.

<!--[if gte mso 9]>When the targeted Individual moves to a location, which is out of reach of the scalar wave devices, a surveillance satellite takes care of the power supply of the energy zones.
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makes this clear one more time: You
are not being monitored by a camera of a satellite when you are outside your
home, you are being monitored by an
energy zone that receives its power supply through scalar waves from a surveillance

In case a targeted individual stays
at the same place for a longer time, for example at a nightclub, mobile scalar devices
will be moved by the authorities close to that place to remove load from the
Same thing happens, when its known,
that a targeted individual will be at a certain location at a certain time. The
team with the surveillance equipment will already wait for the targeted
individual there.
Additional interesting facts:
A. To guarantee a high quality
surveillance, there are always at least
two other scalar wave devices waiting in "standby-mode", in case
one of the two used devices gets blocked by an obstacle, an approaching person
for example or a passing car. Surveillance satellites always preview the environment
a TI (targeted individual) is in and are always prepared to switch to a
different satellite in case the TI make a fast turn.
B. I´ve already mentioned that the
energy zone is a extremely exact
measuring instrument. On the first day of a person´s surveillance the
biometrical data of this person will be analyzed by the connected computer
system and stored into a database. Once measured a targeted individual will always
be recognized by the system, no matter how much makeup or wigs he uses to camouflage.
C. The surveillance equipment that gets
installed in the houses of your neighbours has a build-in video monitor and
audio monitor, so your neighbours can watch and hear you 24/7 in case they want
to, specially when you are in the bathroom or having sex this seems to be a
high point of interest :)
The reason why this is done by the authorities is simply to suck the neighbours into the illegal act of your surveillance, so they can´t make a statement against the authorities in front of a court at a later point. case you are a targeted individual and your female neighbours smile at you like they never did before, exactly this might be the reason.
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The reason why this is done by the authorities is simply to suck the neighbours into the illegal act of your surveillance, so they can´t make a statement against the authorities in front of a court at a later point. case you are a targeted individual and your female neighbours smile at you like they never did before, exactly this might be the reason.
4.) Surveillance technology and
Unfortunately scalar wave surveillance technology is not exclusively used for surveillance, but also for the electronic torture of targeted individuals.
I don´t want to repeat details in this article that you can read on other websites, so let´s concentrate on things that might be "new" to your ears, even in case you are a targeted individual yourself and are familiar to the subject.
Unfortunately scalar wave surveillance technology is not exclusively used for surveillance, but also for the electronic torture of targeted individuals.
I don´t want to repeat details in this article that you can read on other websites, so let´s concentrate on things that might be "new" to your ears, even in case you are a targeted individual yourself and are familiar to the subject.
The person on the photo below is me by
the way :(
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facts about electronic torture that you might haven´t heard before:
A.The "torture
technology", also called electronic harassment, is very advanced. The
energy zone of two scalar wave devices can be used to shoot energy at you
(which hurts), or to pulse energy at you (to torture you with the perfect
frequency that resonate your bones).
In 90% of all the cases, the energy
zone, so the zone where the two scalar wave beams unite, will meet inside your body, for example inside
your stomach, to provoke pain and cancer there. By shooting into your stomach
like this, no blessures will be visible on your skin after the shooting,
because the two single beams of
scalar waves that enter your skin, are each completely harmless (as mentioned
before in this article) and only can do harm where they unite to create an
energy zone.
B. Haarp and surveillance/torture
technolgy can "work on condition", which means that certain tasks can
be generated automatic after a certain condition is completed. It is for
example possible to measure with the energy zone, if you eyelid is open or
closed and shoot you automatic each time into your eye, after your blink with
your eyelid. This works for hours without a single failure. In another example
the energy zone can shoot you from below each time into your feet after you made a new step :)
C. To shoot into the nose of a person, the energy zone doesn´t have to be necessarily in front of the victim. The two beams of scalar waves can also shoot through your head and unite after that on your nose, where they form a tiny energy zone directly on your skin, which will hurt.
D. To shoot geographically from below, the beams of scalar waves can also meet in the earth or in concrete or in a rock ...and, after building an energy zone there, shoot upwards into your feet.

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E. Surveillance technology is not
limited to one energy zone, depending on the capacity of the equipment up to
ten or even more energy zones can be produced by the same two scalar wave
devices and also be controlled by the same computer. It´s quite common (for
example when the torturer is a brainless jerk-off), that targeted individuals get tortured at five to ten different parts
of their body at the same time.
F. Every surveillance team can save
and load their personal torture setup from/to the used computer. This way any
possible torture procedure can be saved and reloaded on demand.
G. Generally speaking we can say that electronic harassment on a small scale and Haarp on the large scale, are used for "education purposes", so it doesn´t appear strange, that the official website of Haarp Alaska uses the domain "", edu like education -_-
G. Generally speaking we can say that electronic harassment on a small scale and Haarp on the large scale, are used for "education purposes", so it doesn´t appear strange, that the official website of Haarp Alaska uses the domain "", edu like education -_-
H. To see what you are looking at, your "perps" install a small energy zone on your forehead. This is called "remote viewing". Whenever you move your head to look a something, the energy zone moves with it and transmits what you are looking at to your surveillance team.
I. As I mentioned before, the energy zone can be inside of matter, which means that the two beams of scalar waves can meet inside of objects, for example your head. As the energy zone can playback sounds, it might appear that you are hearing "voices inside of your head"
J. The fact that the energy zone can be inside your head or other parts of your body is often misinterpreted. TI´s often tell they have INPLANTS incorporated in their bodies, which is completely nonsense. They just don´t understand that the energy zone can be generated inside of matter, saying, their bodies.
K. Your surveillance team works with multi funcion joysticks, such as on the picture below.
L. 90% of all TI´s on facebook work for the government and are just there to scare the crap out of you with stories about "mind control, implants and other scary stuff". There are no implants and nobody can control your mind remotely !!!
You will need lot´s of self discipline though to stay calm and accept your surveillance and the torture as "it is".
Sending particles with Haarp technology:
You can use this technology also to transport small particles from one location to another. Usually these particles are poison or particles that cause a bad smell. In order to be able to do this, the particles have to be very small. A special machine is needed to chop up the matter into these small particles. Normally this machine is installed in the apartment above yours and makes a lot of noise (it sounds like a compressor). When the materia is chopped up into small particles, it is ready to use.
To make one thing clear, your "perps" can´t send you particles through matter (like walls), the laws of physics also work for them....but they can transport the particles through an open window, an open door or they can hide the particles somewhere in your appartment.
Sending particles with scalar wave technology works like this. The energy zone generates a virtual tube, where particles are pushed forward by electrons as shown on the picture below.
This means: With Haarp technology you can poison anybody without being there physically, as long as this person has a window or door in his housing open :(
Detecting your own surveillance with your mobile phone:
You can detect your surveillance with daily used objects. The easiest way is to use your mobile phone and install an EMF app. In case your owner of an iPhone, install Testla Meter 11th from the Apple Store. Set the preferences to Milligaus. The readings for a surveillance victim are typicly about 450 mg and above.
In case you have a Windows Phone, install Metal Detector ! It displays Microtesla only, so the typical reading that proves your surveillance is 45 Microtesla and above.
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